Legal Clinics in Rural Communities and Support Asylum seekers
Legal Empowerment Chapters are empowered to participate in 7-day brigades in Honduras or Greece. Volunteers facilitate legal clinics with local lawyers to provide pro-bono consulting and financial resources for community members to help resolve cases.
Volunteer Activities
Legal Clinics
In Honduras, volunteers attend a legal clinic organized by lawyers for the community members with legal issues. Volunteers receive first-hand experience shadowing lawyers as they provide free legal consultations. Common cases range from marriage and divorce requests to domestic violence and child support.

Help Resolve Family Legal Cases
In Honduras, volunteers will meet with families to gain trust and understanding of their legal challenges. Later, the volunteers work with the lawyers and families to gather all relevant information about the case that will assist the lawyer in resolving the legal issue. Volunteers will prepare a workshop to present to the clients with recommendations from the lawyer about how to resolve the legal issue and the next steps within the legal process.

Educational Workshops
In Greece and Honduras, volunteers present educational workshops (i.e. “charlas”, which means “chats” in Spanish) on topics related to legal rights and concepts.
In Honduras, groups will be responsible for executing both an adult and children’s charla.
In Greece, groups facilitate these charlas for residents of Shelters for Unaccompanied Minors.

Mooting & Mock-up Case
Mooting provides volunteers with hands-on experiences to better understand the subtle intricacies of complex legal issues and enhance their critical legal thinking, analysis, and advocacy building. Volunteers are able to work alongside student lawyers in preparation and delivery of the moot.
In Greece, volunteers learn about the ins and outs of an asylum case application or family reunification case through a mock-up case with experts from the Greek Council for Refugees.

Institutional and other NGOs Visits
Through this component, in Honduras, volunteers have the opportunity to visit three institutions: a local university in Tegucigalpa, a local municipality and the Supreme Court. Each visit provides a more in-depth look at how international governance and legal operations interact and an opportunity to exchange best practices with law students and country officials.
In Greece, volunteers get a deep understanding on how other NGOs in the field work to support Asylum Seekers and Refugees in their legal claims and efforts for integration.

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This DONATION is non-refundable Global Brigades, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation will be used to further Global Brigades' mission and will be allocated toward the program you selected. This donation will not be utilized to fulfill a chapter or a volunteer's fundraising goal. Read Global Brigades, Inc's full Donation Refund Policy here.
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