Project Overview
Project overview. Lorem Ipsum – Increasing impression interested expression he my at. Respect invited request charmed me warrant to. Project overview. Lorem Ipsum – Increasing impression interested expression he my at. Respect invited request charmed me warrant to.
Prior to Global Brigades’ arrival, Buena Vista has a partial, simple gravity system that was constructed in 1987 by the government institution. The water source was a mountain spring located about one kilometer outside of the community that had a flow rate of 25 gallons per minute. The dam was a rough concrete structure with no filter and no proper intake infrastructure. The system used gravity to carry water from the source to two storage tanks within the community. However, the system did not have a distribution network as many of the houses are at a higher elevation than the storage tanks in order to retrieve water for household use, which often required multiple trips each day. Furthermore, the water was not chlorinated, leading to high rates of waterborne disease.
Community Name Proposed Water Solution
In addition, volunteers will assist in providing educational seminars to children in the community on water and health related topics.
To ensure the sustainability of the project, Global Brigades will train a new seven member Water Council, in addition to a Basic Sanitation Committee. This water council will ensure the ongoing maintenance of the water system, which will be funded through an agreed upon monthly water fee paid by community members.
Water Project Stages
Water Brigaders will work alongside community members and staff to construct the following: